MARGE 3rd March 2008

It meant so much to me to have Grandma Mellinger in my home for my 41st. Birthday! Aunt Marian & Uncle Wendell, Aunt Bonnie & Uncle John, Tracy & Donna and their 2 kid's Tim & Becca, Aunt Carole & David. Aunt Barb & Aunt Janette was there too. Bob & Julie also came with their 3 kid's...Brooke, Ashley & Timothey. My kid's had some old friends here from Burlington that they hadn't seen since we moved up here which they enjoyed visiting with. Bob & his family brought me a Beautiful wooden shelf for my kitchen that I still have hanging on my kitchen wall. We camcorded and took picture's that day. Bob & I shared a special bond with our Grandma Mellinger that day. It was so neat to listen to Grandma tell her family stories. Bob & I sat beside her and felt alot of love flowing in my front room that day! It was truly a "HAPPY 41ST BIRTHDAY" for me. Thank-you Grandma and everybody that came! I love you all. xoxo